Saturday, April 4, 2009

Forecast: sunny

Little Miss is sick, again. It's very frustrating. I don't know why she keeps getting sick. She's laying and moaning on the couch. It's a very pitiful sight. Her big brother has been bouncing off the walls and driving me insane. What does this mother do? Force them both outside into the fresh air and sun.

Yep, instead of sitting inside we went for a walk around the neighborhood. Nothing to long. Sis did well until about 1/2 way then she kept complaining of her legs hurting.

She is currently laying in the overstuffed chair and looking quite sleepy. It's only 3:30 but I'm thinking of giving her a bath now and sending her to bed...

I'm hoping the weather stays fairly nice, I love getting outside and walking. It makes me feel better.

I've been so tired lately, but all I can do is suck it up and go on with my life.