Tuesday, July 19, 2016


So - I gave my older daughter a musical Little Miss Muffet statue that was important to me. I didn't want to get rid of it, but I was purging after we moved, so I thought she was old enough to have it. I was happy to let her have it and knew she would take care of it. It has sat peacefully on a shelf for awhile. She loved it as much as I did. It was one of the few gifts that I ever got from my dad after my parents divorce, which is a long story, but I treasured it so much. I had it since I was probably 10, so 24 years at least. I don't know why I always kept it, but I did. All these years it was always something I kept. But I gave it to my daughter, his oldest granddaughter, and explained why it should be kept safe but that it was hers now.

Well - a preschool age sister happened to decide that today would be a perfect day to start shaking the book shelf it was sitting on. She is 3 and was trying to get the Twilight Sparkle down, apparently. The items on the top shelf fell and the only thing that sustained damage was the statue. Broke right in half. It can probably be glued back together.
I am sad and so is Sissy, but I am also proud. She cried but picked up the statue and brought it downstairs to show me. She didn't hide it. She also didn't scream and yell at her little sister. She showed it to me and waited. I took her example, because sometimes the kids can be the teachers, and just sighed. I called the littles down and let them tell me what happened. We talked about asking for help instead of shaking the shelf and then I let them go play.

Sissy's statue may or may not be able to be fixed, but I did no damage to my children's inner self at this moment. I mean, I'm sure I did plenty of damage on other days (what parent hasn't), but this is not a moment they will remember fear and anxiety.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Weight checks

Wow, looking at this list makes me realize that I CAN do it, just takes effort! I had lost and gained, lost and gained. Just wow.
We need to do this. I have to do this. For my own sanity.

Starting weight:
295 pounds Dec 2014 heaviest
284.25 pounds Dec 2013 heaviest
new baby May 2013
kidney transplant June 2012
275 pounds July 2010 (after Peanut)
245 ponds Jan 2010 (before Peanut)
257 pounds Sept 2009
262.5 pounds January 2009
269 pounds October 2008
 275 pounds July 2008

Current weight: 295 pounds
Goal weight: 160 (hahahaha)

Friday, December 27, 2013

I walked a mile.

I walked a mile. I have been pretty "down" lately, lots going on in my head and in my world. Went to see a new doctor, to see if I can come off the coumadin, and the scale was not helping my mood. My heart sank. I am at my heaviest. EVER! EVER! What in the world. I didn't think I was eating more, but I know I am moving less. So today I decided to pop in my walk DVD. I walked a mile today. This baby weight is not coming off, even with the other 3 I did not have this pooch. The baby weight is deciding to stay, is it because I had an emergency c-section? My abdomen was not able to push her out. I walked a mile today! It's a start, it's a beginning. We have to start somewhere. So I have decided to start today, with my mile. My children are now my motivation. I have a new kidney, so now I must continue to focus on why this is important. I want to be able to wear my clothes. I want to be able to chase my 3 year old without getting out of breath. I can do this, with your help. Please help me focus on my future. I walked a mile today and now I have my beginning.

Starting weight: 284.25 pounds new heaviest
old heaviest 275 pounds
Current weight: 284.25 pounds
Goal weight: 160 (hahahaha)

Saturday, October 19, 2013


I am going to try to get back on the wagon of losing weight. Just a quick update. I had my transplant! I am feeling great. I also had a beautiful baby girl! We are now a family of six. I will post a better update soon. I have plans to lose weight and that is why I started this blog. Maybe I'll even track what I am eating and someone can tell me what I am doing wrong. :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Facing life head on, no hall passes allowed.

Today I had an appointment with my nephrologist. I see her every 2-3 months or more depending on what my labs are looking like. Today the questions were the same but many of the answers were different.

"How do you feel?" - Tired
"How are your energy levels?" - crappy
"What is 2+2?" - Well typically doctor it equals 4, but today I have to subtract 2, multiply by 0, and remember to add my love to the equation.
Okay that last question wasn't asked. She always asks me "How do you do all that you do?" - My answer is about the same. I subtract 2, multiply by 0 and add love. Love is how I do what I do. Because I love my husband, my kids, my family and friends so much I can't see myself NOT doing it.
Today I asked "Can you write me a note saying I can go stand in the hall while everyone who needs me suffers?" I love my doctor, she smiles and says "You are awesome".

I am awesome. But I am also tired. So tired lately I want to cry. My washing machine is broken, people are coming over for Christmas, JulieMaySmith and BobbyJoeSmith need me somewhere somehow. Do I let myself stop and just say "I'm sorry, my kidneys are not working you will have to ask someone else for help.". NO WAY! That is not me. Sometimes I will say not today but tomorrow. But 99% of the time, if I am able, I will help Julie and Bobby. Why? Because I love them. God has given me to them to help them, to give them all I am. I carry my cross with a light heart, because I know that this is not the end.

I have a life to live and that life is worth every bit of silent suffering I go through. I do not want to let my life slip me by. I do not want my children to miss out on anything, and I am not going to miss out on them. My children are my world and they deserve a mother who will not give up.

Okay now the doctor tells me that "Your GFR was 14 (!!!) in October and 13 (!!!!) in November. Were you sick at all? " - Yes in November around Thanksgiving I was very sick. "okay, I will see how your labs look next week."

We started talking about my pending transplant. She was very excited for me that I have been on the waiting list for a year! This is great news. "Do you have a living donor?" - Yes, probably. You know how life and God can always throw things in the paths of people who aren't expecting it? At this point, yes but who knows in 6 month or more.
My possible donor could have so many things happen. So while we wait and pray for that situation we also know that things happen. We would all understand, because it is a life long decision for that person as well. We may have to wait for a deceased donor kidney, that could take 2-5 years from when listed on UNOS (or longer, or shorter).
So what is our next step with my kidney function so low? PD. At home, peritoneal dialysis. I got to see all the equipment again and learn a bit about how it works. My doctor said, "We may only have to do it for 6 months, but it could be needed for longer". So at this point we could have to start this in a month or two.

This is kind of scary, yet it is expected. This is what I have been planning to do for years. Now the reality could be around the corner. I also know, in the back of my mind, we may not need to do this at all.

I may need to ask for a bit more help, but my plan is to save all that help for after I have my transplant! To think I will be at the mercy of friends and family for at least 6 weeks after transplant is mind boggling. I know that my family and friends will take care of me, but I just see how it is my job to take care of you.

God gave me the passion to serve, when I am able. He put me here to give my all, even if I have to take a nap because my body is wearing out. Know that my soul and intentions will never give up. I will be here, doing what I know how to do! So if you need a friend, give me a call. God created me to love you and serve you.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Starting weight: 275
Current weight: 250
Goal weight: 160 (hahahaha)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

17 week appointment

Appointment went well. We opted not to find out which gender Peanut will be. Though we will have at least an unltrasound every 4 more weeks (yay for being high risk, blarg). Doctors due date is 7-4-10. Baby is looking good, awfully squirming for the ultrasound tech again. But things are looking great ♥ Was told I'm not eating enough by the doc (who is not my doc). But the nurse (who has done this 2 other times with me) disagrees. I've lost weight since before I was pregnant, but I'm also not retaining water like a balloon, like normal. *shrugs*